Hungarian forint per 100 (HUF)

Buy Sell
from 1 25.00 32.00

In our Currency Exchange Centre «Ligovsky» you can always buy or sell the Hungarian forint (HUF) at a bargain price. You can learn the current exchange rate of the Hungarian forint (HUF) on our website, as well as make an order for the Hungarian forint (+7 812 325-10-93), the order will be valid for an hour and can be extended.

All exchange rates are for informative purposes only and are under no circumstances a public offering, defined by the provisions of the Article 437 (2) of the Civil Code.

Dynamics of Hungarian forint (HUF)
the last month , average per day

26.03.2025 25.00 32.00
25.03.2025 25.00 32.00
24.03.2025 25.00 32.00
23.03.2025 25.00 32.00
22.03.2025 25.00 32.00
21.03.2025 25.00 32.00
20.03.2025 25.00 32.00
19.03.2025 25.00 32.00
18.03.2025 25.00 32.00
17.03.2025 25.00 32.00
16.03.2025 25.00 32.00
15.03.2025 25.00 32.00
14.03.2025 25.00 32.00
13.03.2025 25.00 32.00
12.03.2025 25.00 32.00
11.03.2025 25.00 32.00
10.03.2025 25.00 32.00
09.03.2025 25.00 32.00
08.03.2025 25.00 32.00
07.03.2025 25.00 32.00
06.03.2025 25.00 32.00
05.03.2025 25.00 32.00
04.03.2025 25.00 32.00
03.03.2025 25.00 32.00
02.03.2025 25.00 32.00
01.03.2025 25.00 32.00
28.02.2025 25.00 32.00
27.02.2025 25.00 32.00

The Hungarian forint (HUF) is the currency of Hungary. It was introduced on August 1, 1946 after the hyperinflation replacing the former currency — pengo.

The existing coin denominations are 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 forints and the banknotes are 200, 500, 1 000, 2 000, 5 000, 10 000 and 20 000 forints.

All banknotes are well protected by holographic stripes, watermarks and security threads. Upon a closer view peek-a-boo you can see the abbreviation of the Hungarian National Bank or the national emblem of the country.
The forint’s name comes from the famous Italian city of Florence, where during the XIII century the golden «florin» was minted. Each banknote and each coin depicts a famous Hungarian leader or politician and architectural monuments of Hungary.