Indian rupee per 100 (INR)

Buy Sell
from 1 110.00 125.00

In our Currency Exchange Centre «Ligovsky» you can always buy or sell the Indian rupee (INR) at a bargain price. You can learn the current exchange rate of the Indian rupee (INR) on our website, as well as make an order for the Indian rupee (+7 812 325-10-93), the order will be valid for an hour and can be extended.

All exchange rates are for informative purposes only and are under no circumstances a public offering, defined by the provisions of the Article 437 (2) of the Civil Code.

Dynamics of Indian rupee (INR)
the last month , average per day

25.03.2025 110.00 125.00
24.03.2025 115.00 130.00
23.03.2025 115.00 130.00
22.03.2025 115.00 130.00
21.03.2025 115.00 130.00
20.03.2025 115.00 130.00
19.03.2025 115.00 130.00
18.03.2025 115.00 130.00
17.03.2025 115.00 130.00
16.03.2025 115.00 130.00
15.03.2025 115.00 130.00
14.03.2025 115.00 130.00
13.03.2025 115.00 130.00
12.03.2025 115.00 130.00
11.03.2025 115.00 130.00
10.03.2025 115.00 130.00
09.03.2025 115.00 130.00
08.03.2025 115.00 130.00
07.03.2025 115.00 130.00
06.03.2025 115.00 130.00
05.03.2025 115.00 130.00
04.03.2025 115.00 130.00
03.03.2025 115.00 130.00
02.03.2025 115.00 130.00
01.03.2025 115.00 130.00
28.02.2025 115.00 130.00
27.02.2025 115.00 130.00
26.02.2025 115.00 130.00

The Indian rupee (INR) is the currency of India. It is equal to 100 pices.

At present 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1 000 rupee banknote denominations of various years of release are in circulation. There are also banknotes of the same denomination that are the means of payment, but with different shades of colour and some other forms of security elements.

The latest series of banknotes of India is dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi, the head of the Indian Independence movement, a supporter of non-violent methods of opposition in the struggle for social changes. His portrait adorns the front side of all the national banknotes, from 5 to 1000 rupees.